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resource_tracker.cloud_info #

Detect cloud environment (provider, region, instance type) via VM metadata services.


Name Description

Detect cloud environment and return standardized information on provider, region, and instance type.

get_cloud_info cached #


Detect cloud environment and return standardized information on provider, region, and instance type.


Type Description

A dictionary containing standardized cloud information:

  • vendor: The cloud provider (aws, gcp, azure, hcloud, upcloud), or "unknown"
  • instance_type: The instance type/size/flavor, or "unknown"
  • region: The region/zone where the instance is running, or "unknown"
Source code in resource_tracker/
def get_cloud_info() -> dict:
    Detect cloud environment and return standardized information on provider, region, and instance type.

        A dictionary containing standardized cloud information:

            - `vendor`: The cloud provider (aws, gcp, azure, hcloud, upcloud), or "unknown"
            - `instance_type`: The instance type/size/flavor, or "unknown"
            - `region`: The region/zone where the instance is running, or "unknown"
    start_time = time()
    check_functions = [

    # run checks in parallel, return early if any check succeeds
    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(check_functions)) as executor:
        futures = {executor.submit(check_fn): check_fn for check_fn in check_functions}
        pending = set(futures.keys())
        while pending:
            done, pending = wait(pending, return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED)
            for future in done:
                with suppress(Exception):
                    info = future.result()
                    if info:
                        # stop all remaining checks early
                        for f in pending:
                        return info | {"discovery_time": time() - start_time}

    return {
        "vendor": "unknown",
        "instance_type": "unknown",
        "region": "unknown",
        "discovery_time": time() - start_time,