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resource_tracker.tiny_data_frame #

A very inefficient data-frame implementation for manipulating resource usage data.


Name Description

A very inefficient data-frame implementation with a few features.

TinyDataFrame #

A very inefficient data-frame implementation with a few features.

Supported features:

  • reading CSV files from a remote URL
  • reading CSV files from a local file
  • converting a dictionary of lists/arrays to a data-frame
  • converting a list of dictionaries to a data-frame
  • slicing rows
  • slicing columns
  • slicing rows and columns
  • printing a summary of the data-frame
  • printing the data-frame as a human-readable (grid) table
  • renaming columns
  • writing to a CSV file


Name Type Description Default
data Optional[dict | list]

Dictionary of lists/arrays or list of dictionaries.

csv_file_path Optional[str]

Path to a properly quoted CSV file.



>>> df = TinyDataFrame(csv_file_path="")
>>> df
TinyDataFrame with 32 rows and 12 columns. First row as a dict: {'manufacturer': 'Mazda RX4', 'mpg': 21.0, 'cyl': 6.0, 'disp': 160.0, 'hp': 110.0, 'drat': 3.9, 'wt': 2.62, 'qsec': 16.46, 'vs': 0.0, 'am': 1.0, 'gear': 4.0, 'carb': 4.0}
>>> df[2:5][['manufacturer', 'hp']]
TinyDataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns. First row as a dict: {'manufacturer': 'Datsun 710', 'hp': 93.0}
>>> print(df[2:5][['manufacturer', 'hp']])  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
TinyDataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns:
manufacturer      | hp
Datsun 710        |  93.0
Hornet 4 Drive    | 110.0
Hornet Sportabout | 175.0
>>> print(df[2:5][['manufacturer', 'hp']].to_csv())  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
"Datsun 710",93.0
"Hornet 4 Drive",110.0
"Hornet Sportabout",175.0


Name Description

Initialize with either:


Return the number of rows in the data-frame


Get a single column or multiple columns or a row or a slice of rows. Can be chained.


Set a column with the given key to the provided values.


Return first n rows as a new TinyDataFrame.


Return last n rows as a new TinyDataFrame.


Return a string representation of the data-frame.


Print the first 10 rows of the data-frame in a human-readable table.


Write the data-frame to a CSV file or return as string if no path is provided.


Rename one or multiple columns.

Source code in resource_tracker/
class TinyDataFrame:
    """A very inefficient data-frame implementation with a few features.

    Supported features:

    - reading CSV files from a remote URL
    - reading CSV files from a local file
    - converting a dictionary of lists/arrays to a data-frame
    - converting a list of dictionaries to a data-frame
    - slicing rows
    - slicing columns
    - slicing rows and columns
    - printing a summary of the data-frame
    - printing the data-frame as a human-readable (grid) table
    - renaming columns
    - writing to a CSV file

        data: Dictionary of lists/arrays or list of dictionaries.
        csv_file_path: Path to a properly quoted CSV file.


        >>> df = TinyDataFrame(csv_file_path="")
        >>> df
        TinyDataFrame with 32 rows and 12 columns. First row as a dict: {'manufacturer': 'Mazda RX4', 'mpg': 21.0, 'cyl': 6.0, 'disp': 160.0, 'hp': 110.0, 'drat': 3.9, 'wt': 2.62, 'qsec': 16.46, 'vs': 0.0, 'am': 1.0, 'gear': 4.0, 'carb': 4.0}
        >>> df[2:5][['manufacturer', 'hp']]
        TinyDataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns. First row as a dict: {'manufacturer': 'Datsun 710', 'hp': 93.0}
        >>> print(df[2:5][['manufacturer', 'hp']])  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        TinyDataFrame with 3 rows and 2 columns:
        manufacturer      | hp
        Datsun 710        |  93.0
        Hornet 4 Drive    | 110.0
        Hornet Sportabout | 175.0
        >>> print(df[2:5][['manufacturer', 'hp']].to_csv())  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        "Datsun 710",93.0
        "Hornet 4 Drive",110.0
        "Hornet Sportabout",175.0

    def __init__(
        self, data: Optional[dict | list] = None, csv_file_path: Optional[str] = None
        Initialize with either:

        - Dictionary of lists/arrays
        - List of dictionaries
        - CSV file path
        self.columns = []
        self._data = {}

        assert data is not None or csv_file_path is not None, (
            "either data or csv_file_path must be provided"
        assert data is None or csv_file_path is None, (
            "only one of data or csv_file_path must be provided"
        assert data is None or isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list), (
            "data must be a dictionary or a list"
        assert csv_file_path is None or isinstance(csv_file_path, str), (
            "csv_file_path must be a string"

        if csv_file_path:
            data = self._read_csv(csv_file_path)

        if isinstance(data, dict):
            self._data = {k: list(v) for k, v in data.items()}
            self.columns = list(self._data.keys())
        elif isinstance(data, list) and data and isinstance(data[0], dict):
            # let's preserve column order
            self.columns = []
            seen_columns = set()
            for row in data:
                for col in row.keys():
                    if col not in seen_columns:
            self._data = {col: [row.get(col) for row in data] for col in self.columns}

    def _read_csv(self, csv_file_path: str) -> list[dict]:
        """Read a CSV file and return a list of dictionaries.

            csv_file_path: CSV file path or URL.
        results = []

        parsed = urlparse(csv_file_path)
        if parsed.scheme in ("http", "https"):
            with urlopen(csv_file_path) as response:
                content ="utf-8").splitlines()
                csv_source = content
            csv_source = open(csv_file_path, "r")

            reader = DictReader(csv_source, quoting=QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
            for row in reader:
            if not isinstance(csv_source, list):

        return results

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of rows in the data-frame"""
        return len(next(iter(self._data.values()))) if self.columns else 0

    def __getitem__(
        self, key: Union[str, list[str], int, slice]
    ) -> Union[list, dict, "TinyDataFrame"]:
        """Get a single column or multiple columns or a row or a slice of rows. Can be chained.

            key: A single column name, a list of column names, a row index, or a slice of row indexes.

            A single column as a list, a list of columns as a new TinyDataFrame, a row as a dictionary, or a slice of rows as a new TinyDataFrame.
        # a single column
        if isinstance(key, str):
            return self._data[key]
        # multiple columns
        elif isinstance(key, list) and all(isinstance(k, str) for k in key):
            return TinyDataFrame(
                {col: self._data[col] for col in key if col in self._data}
        # row index
        elif isinstance(key, int):
            return {col: self._data[col][key] for col in self.columns}
        # row indexes
        elif isinstance(key, slice):
            return TinyDataFrame({col: self._data[col][key] for col in self.columns})
            raise TypeError(f"Invalid key type: {type(key)}")

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: list) -> None:
        """Set a column with the given key to the provided values.

            key: Column name (string)
            value: List of values for the column

            TypeError: If key is not a string
            ValueError: If the length of values doesn't match the dataframe length
        if not isinstance(key, str):
            raise TypeError(f"Column name must be a string, got {type(key)}")

        if len(self) > 0 and len(value) != len(self):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Length of values ({len(value)}) must match dataframe length ({len(self)})"

        if key not in self.columns:

        self._data[key] = list(value)

    def head(self, n: int = 5) -> "TinyDataFrame":
        """Return first n rows as a new TinyDataFrame."""
        return self[slice(0, n)]

    def tail(self, n: int = 5) -> "TinyDataFrame":
        """Return last n rows as a new TinyDataFrame."""
        return self[slice(-n, None)]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a string representation of the data-frame."""
        return f"TinyDataFrame with {len(self)} rows and {len(self.columns)} columns. First row as a dict: {self[0]}"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Print the first 10 rows of the data-frame in a human-readable table."""
        header = (
            f"TinyDataFrame with {len(self)} rows and {len(self.columns)} columns:\n"
        if len(self) == 0:
            return header + "Empty dataframe"

        max_rows = min(10, len(self))

        col_widths = {}
        for col in self.columns:
            col_widths[col] = len(str(col))
            for i in range(max_rows):
                col_widths[col] = max(col_widths[col], len(str(self._data[col][i])))

        rows = []
        header_row = " | ".join(str(col).ljust(col_widths[col]) for col in self.columns)
        separator = "-+-".join("-" * col_widths[col] for col in self.columns)

        for i in range(max_rows):
            row_values = []
            for col in self.columns:
                value = str(self._data[col][i])
                # right-align numbers, left-align strings
                    float(value)  # check if it's a number
                except ValueError:
            rows.append(" | ".join(row_values))

        # add ellipsis if there are more rows
        if len(self) > max_rows:
            rows.append("..." + " " * (len(rows[0]) - 3))
        return header + "\n".join(rows)

    def to_csv(
        self, csv_file_path: Optional[str] = None, quote_strings: bool = True
    ) -> str:
        """Write the data-frame to a CSV file or return as string if no path is provided.

            csv_file_path: Path to write CSV file. If None, returns CSV as string.
            quote_strings: Whether to quote strings.
        if csv_file_path:
            f = open(csv_file_path, "w", newline="")
            f = StringIO(newline="")

            writer = csv_writer(
                f, quoting=QUOTE_NONNUMERIC if quote_strings else QUOTE_MINIMAL
            for i in range(len(self)):
                writer.writerow([self._data[col][i] for col in self.columns])

            if not csv_file_path:
                return f.getvalue()

    def rename(self, columns: dict) -> "TinyDataFrame":
        """Rename one or multiple columns.

            columns: Dictionary mapping old column names to new column names.

            Self for method chaining.

            KeyError: If any old column name doesn't exist in the dataframe.
        for old_name in columns.keys():
            if old_name not in self.columns:
                raise KeyError(f"Column '{old_name}' not found in dataframe")

        for i, col in enumerate(self.columns):
            if col in columns:
                self.columns[i] = columns[col]
        # note that order of columns might change, but self.columns matters anyway
        for old_name, new_name in columns.items():
            self._data[new_name] = self._data.pop(old_name)

        return self

__init__ #

__init__(data=None, csv_file_path=None)

Initialize with either:

  • Dictionary of lists/arrays
  • List of dictionaries
  • CSV file path
Source code in resource_tracker/
def __init__(
    self, data: Optional[dict | list] = None, csv_file_path: Optional[str] = None
    Initialize with either:

    - Dictionary of lists/arrays
    - List of dictionaries
    - CSV file path
    self.columns = []
    self._data = {}

    assert data is not None or csv_file_path is not None, (
        "either data or csv_file_path must be provided"
    assert data is None or csv_file_path is None, (
        "only one of data or csv_file_path must be provided"
    assert data is None or isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list), (
        "data must be a dictionary or a list"
    assert csv_file_path is None or isinstance(csv_file_path, str), (
        "csv_file_path must be a string"

    if csv_file_path:
        data = self._read_csv(csv_file_path)

    if isinstance(data, dict):
        self._data = {k: list(v) for k, v in data.items()}
        self.columns = list(self._data.keys())
    elif isinstance(data, list) and data and isinstance(data[0], dict):
        # let's preserve column order
        self.columns = []
        seen_columns = set()
        for row in data:
            for col in row.keys():
                if col not in seen_columns:
        self._data = {col: [row.get(col) for row in data] for col in self.columns}

__len__ #


Return the number of rows in the data-frame

Source code in resource_tracker/
def __len__(self):
    """Return the number of rows in the data-frame"""
    return len(next(iter(self._data.values()))) if self.columns else 0

__getitem__ #


Get a single column or multiple columns or a row or a slice of rows. Can be chained.


Name Type Description Default
key Union[str, list[str], int, slice]

A single column name, a list of column names, a row index, or a slice of row indexes.



Type Description
Union[list, dict, TinyDataFrame]

A single column as a list, a list of columns as a new TinyDataFrame, a row as a dictionary, or a slice of rows as a new TinyDataFrame.

Source code in resource_tracker/
def __getitem__(
    self, key: Union[str, list[str], int, slice]
) -> Union[list, dict, "TinyDataFrame"]:
    """Get a single column or multiple columns or a row or a slice of rows. Can be chained.

        key: A single column name, a list of column names, a row index, or a slice of row indexes.

        A single column as a list, a list of columns as a new TinyDataFrame, a row as a dictionary, or a slice of rows as a new TinyDataFrame.
    # a single column
    if isinstance(key, str):
        return self._data[key]
    # multiple columns
    elif isinstance(key, list) and all(isinstance(k, str) for k in key):
        return TinyDataFrame(
            {col: self._data[col] for col in key if col in self._data}
    # row index
    elif isinstance(key, int):
        return {col: self._data[col][key] for col in self.columns}
    # row indexes
    elif isinstance(key, slice):
        return TinyDataFrame({col: self._data[col][key] for col in self.columns})
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid key type: {type(key)}")

__setitem__ #

__setitem__(key, value)

Set a column with the given key to the provided values.


Name Type Description Default
key str

Column name (string)

value list

List of values for the column



Type Description

If key is not a string


If the length of values doesn't match the dataframe length

Source code in resource_tracker/
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: list) -> None:
    """Set a column with the given key to the provided values.

        key: Column name (string)
        value: List of values for the column

        TypeError: If key is not a string
        ValueError: If the length of values doesn't match the dataframe length
    if not isinstance(key, str):
        raise TypeError(f"Column name must be a string, got {type(key)}")

    if len(self) > 0 and len(value) != len(self):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Length of values ({len(value)}) must match dataframe length ({len(self)})"

    if key not in self.columns:

    self._data[key] = list(value)

head #


Return first n rows as a new TinyDataFrame.

Source code in resource_tracker/
def head(self, n: int = 5) -> "TinyDataFrame":
    """Return first n rows as a new TinyDataFrame."""
    return self[slice(0, n)]

tail #


Return last n rows as a new TinyDataFrame.

Source code in resource_tracker/
def tail(self, n: int = 5) -> "TinyDataFrame":
    """Return last n rows as a new TinyDataFrame."""
    return self[slice(-n, None)]

__repr__ #


Return a string representation of the data-frame.

Source code in resource_tracker/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a string representation of the data-frame."""
    return f"TinyDataFrame with {len(self)} rows and {len(self.columns)} columns. First row as a dict: {self[0]}"

__str__ #


Print the first 10 rows of the data-frame in a human-readable table.

Source code in resource_tracker/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Print the first 10 rows of the data-frame in a human-readable table."""
    header = (
        f"TinyDataFrame with {len(self)} rows and {len(self.columns)} columns:\n"
    if len(self) == 0:
        return header + "Empty dataframe"

    max_rows = min(10, len(self))

    col_widths = {}
    for col in self.columns:
        col_widths[col] = len(str(col))
        for i in range(max_rows):
            col_widths[col] = max(col_widths[col], len(str(self._data[col][i])))

    rows = []
    header_row = " | ".join(str(col).ljust(col_widths[col]) for col in self.columns)
    separator = "-+-".join("-" * col_widths[col] for col in self.columns)

    for i in range(max_rows):
        row_values = []
        for col in self.columns:
            value = str(self._data[col][i])
            # right-align numbers, left-align strings
                float(value)  # check if it's a number
            except ValueError:
        rows.append(" | ".join(row_values))

    # add ellipsis if there are more rows
    if len(self) > max_rows:
        rows.append("..." + " " * (len(rows[0]) - 3))
    return header + "\n".join(rows)

to_csv #

to_csv(csv_file_path=None, quote_strings=True)

Write the data-frame to a CSV file or return as string if no path is provided.


Name Type Description Default
csv_file_path Optional[str]

Path to write CSV file. If None, returns CSV as string.

quote_strings bool

Whether to quote strings.

Source code in resource_tracker/
def to_csv(
    self, csv_file_path: Optional[str] = None, quote_strings: bool = True
) -> str:
    """Write the data-frame to a CSV file or return as string if no path is provided.

        csv_file_path: Path to write CSV file. If None, returns CSV as string.
        quote_strings: Whether to quote strings.
    if csv_file_path:
        f = open(csv_file_path, "w", newline="")
        f = StringIO(newline="")

        writer = csv_writer(
            f, quoting=QUOTE_NONNUMERIC if quote_strings else QUOTE_MINIMAL
        for i in range(len(self)):
            writer.writerow([self._data[col][i] for col in self.columns])

        if not csv_file_path:
            return f.getvalue()

rename #


Rename one or multiple columns.


Name Type Description Default
columns dict

Dictionary mapping old column names to new column names.



Type Description

Self for method chaining.


Type Description

If any old column name doesn't exist in the dataframe.

Source code in resource_tracker/
def rename(self, columns: dict) -> "TinyDataFrame":
    """Rename one or multiple columns.

        columns: Dictionary mapping old column names to new column names.

        Self for method chaining.

        KeyError: If any old column name doesn't exist in the dataframe.
    for old_name in columns.keys():
        if old_name not in self.columns:
            raise KeyError(f"Column '{old_name}' not found in dataframe")

    for i, col in enumerate(self.columns):
        if col in columns:
            self.columns[i] = columns[col]
    # note that order of columns might change, but self.columns matters anyway
    for old_name, new_name in columns.items():
        self._data[new_name] = self._data.pop(old_name)

    return self