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Vendor support#

Each file in the src/sc_crawler/vendors folder provides the required helpers for a given Vendor, named as the id of the vendor. For example, provides functions to be used by its Vendor instance, called aws.

First steps#

  1. Define the new Vendor instance in src/sc_crawler/vendors/
  2. Copy the below template file as a starting point to src/sc_crawler/vendors/{vendor_id}.py.
  3. Update src/sc_crawler/vendors/ to include the new vendor.
  4. Update docs/ with the credential requirements for the new vendor.
  5. Implement the inventory methods.

Inventory methods#

Each vendor module should provide the below functions:

  • inventory_compliance_frameworks: Define VendorComplianceLink instances to describe which frameworks the vendor complies with. Optionally include references in the comment field. To avoid duplicating ComplianceFramework instances, easiest is to use the compliance_framework_id field instead of the compliance_framework relationship, preferably via sc_crawler.lookup.map_compliance_frameworks_to_vendor.
  • inventory_regions: Define Region instances with location, energy source etc for each region the vendor has.
  • inventory_zones: Define a Zone instance for each availability zone of the vendor in each region.
  • inventory_servers: Define Server instances for the vendor's server/instance types.
  • inventory_server_prices: Define the ServerPrice instances for the standard/ondemand (or optionally also for the reserved) pricing of the instance types per region and zone.
  • inventory_server_prices_spot: Similar to the above, define ServerPrice instances but the allocation field set to Allocation.SPOT. Very likely to see different spot prices per region/zone.
  • inventory_storage_prices: Define StoragePrice instances to describe the available storage options that can be attached to the servers.
  • inventory_traffic_prices: Define TrafficPrice instances to describe the pricing of ingress/egress traffic.
  • inventory_ipv4_prices: Define Ipv4Price instances on the price of an IPv4 address.

Each function will be picked up as the related Vendor instance's instance methods, so each function should take a single argument, that is the Vendor instance. E.g. is called by sc_crawler.tables.Vendor.inventory_regions.

The functions should return an array of dict representing the related objects. The vendor's inventory method will pass the array to sc_crawler.insert.insert_items along with the table object.

Other functions and variables must be prefixed with an underscore to suggest those are internal tools.

Progress bars#

To create progress bars, you can use the Vendor's progress_tracker attribute with the below methods:

The start_task will register a task in the "Current tasks" progress bar list with the provided name automatically prefixed by the vendor name, and the provided number of expected steps. You should call advance_task after each step finished, which will by default update the most recently created task's progress bar. If making updates in parallel, store the [rich.progress.TaskID][] returned by start_task and pass to advance_task and hide_task explicitly. Make sure to call hide_task when the progress bar is not to be shown anymore. It's a good practice to log the number of fetched/synced objects afterwards with See the manual of VendorProgressTracker for more details.

Basic example:

def inventory_zones(vendor):
    zones = range(5)
    vendor.progress_tracker.start_task(name="Searching zones", total=len(zones))
    for zone in zones:
        # do something
    return zones

Template file for new vendors#

def inventory_compliance_frameworks(vendor):
    return map_compliance_frameworks_to_vendor(vendor.vendor_id, [
    #    "hipaa",
    #    "soc2t2",
    #    "iso27001",

def inventory_regions(vendor):
    items = []
    # for region in []:
    #     items.append(
    #         {
    #             "vendor_id": vendor.vendor_id,
    #             "region_id": "",
    #             "name": "",
    #             "api_reference": "",
    #             "display_name": "",
    #             "aliases": [],
    #             "country_id": "",
    #             "state": None,
    #             "city": None,
    #             "address_line": None,
    #             "zip_code": None,
    #             "lon": None,
    #             "lat": None,
    #             "founding_year": None,
    #             "green_energy": None,
    #         }
    #     )
    return items

def inventory_zones(vendor):
    items =[]
    # for zone in []:
    #     items.append({
    #         "vendor_id": vendor.vendor_id,
    #         "region_id": "",
    #         "zone_id": "",
    #         "name": "",
    #         "api_reference": "",
    #         "display_name": "",
    #     })
    return items

def inventory_servers(vendor):
    items = []
    # for server in []:
    #     items.append(
    #         {
    #             "vendor_id": vendor.vendor_id,
    #             "server_id": ,
    #             "name": ,
    #             "api_reference": ,
    #             "display_name": ,
    #             "description": None,
    #             "family": None,
    #             "vcpus": ,
    #             "hypervisor": None,
    #             "cpu_allocation": CpuAllocation....,
    #             "cpu_cores": None,
    #             "cpu_speed": None,
    #             "cpu_architecture": CpuArchitecture....,
    #             "cpu_manufacturer": None,
    #             "cpu_family": None,
    #             "cpu_model": None,
    #             "cpu_l1_cache": None,
    #             "cpu_l2_cache": None,
    #             "cpu_l3_cache": None,
    #             "cpu_flags": [],
    #             "cpus": [],
    #             "memory_amount": ,
    #             "memory_generation": None,
    #             "memory_speed": None,
    #             "memory_ecc": None,
    #             "gpu_count": 0,
    #             "gpu_memory_min": None,
    #             "gpu_memory_total": None,
    #             "gpu_manufacturer": None,
    #             "gpu_family": None,
    #             "gpu_model": None,
    #             "gpus": [],
    #             "storage_size": 0,
    #             "storage_type": None,
    #             "storages": [],
    #             "network_speed": None,
    #             "inbound_traffic": 0,
    #             "outbound_traffic": 0,
    #             "ipv4": 0,
    #         }
    #     )
    return items

def inventory_server_prices(vendor):
    items = []
    # for server in []:
    #     items.append({
    #         "vendor_id": ,
    #         "region_id": ,
    #         "zone_id": ,
    #         "server_id": ,
    #         "operating_system": ,
    #         "allocation": Allocation....,
    #         "unit": PriceUnit.HOUR,
    #         "price": ,
    #         "price_upfront": 0,
    #         "price_tiered": [],
    #         "currency": "USD",
    #     })
    return items

def inventory_server_prices_spot(vendor):
    return []

def inventory_storages(vendor):
    items = []
    # for storage in []:
    #     items.append(
    #         {
    #             "storage_id": ,
    #             "vendor_id": vendor.vendor_id,
    #             "name": ,
    #             "description": None,
    #             "storage_type": StorageType....,
    #             "max_iops": None,
    #             "max_throughput": None,
    #             "min_size": None,
    #             "max_size": None,
    #         }
    #     )
    return items

def inventory_storage_prices(vendor):
    items = []
    # for price in []:
    #     items.append(
    #         {
    #             "vendor_id": vendor.vendor_id,
    #             "region_id": ,
    #             "storage_id": ,
    #             "unit": PriceUnit.GB_MONTH,
    #             "price": ,
    #             "currency": "USD",
    #         }
    #     )
    return items

def inventory_traffic_prices(vendor):
    items = []
    # for price in []:
    #     items.append(
    #         {
    #             "vendor_id": vendor.vendor_id,
    #             "region_id": ,
    #             "price": ,
    #             "price_tiered": [],
    #             "currency": "USD",
    #             "unit": PriceUnit.GB_MONTH,
    #             "direction": TrafficDirection....,
    #         }
    #     )
    return items

def inventory_ipv4_prices(vendor):
    items = []
    # for price in []:
    #     items.append(
    #         {
    #             "vendor_id": vendor.vendor_id,
    #             "region_id": ,
    #             "price": ,
    #             "currency": "USD",
    #             "unit": PriceUnit.MONTH,
    #         }
    #     )
    return items