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sc_crawler.insert #

can_bulk_insert #


Checks if bulk insert is supported for the engine dialect of a SQLModel session.

Source code in sc_crawler/
def can_bulk_insert(session: Session) -> bool:
    """Checks if bulk insert is supported for the engine dialect of a SQLModel session."""
    return is_sqlite(session) or is_postgresql(session)

validate_items #

validate_items(model, items, vendor=None, prefix='')

Validates a list of items against a pydantic.BaseModel definition.


Name Type Description Default
model BaseModel

An SQLModel model to be used for validation.

items List[dict]

List of dictionaries to be checked against model.

vendor Optional[Vendor]

Optional Vendor instance used for logging and progress bar updates.

prefix str

Optional extra description for the model added in front of the model name in logs and progress bar updates.



Type Description

List of validated dicts in the same order. Note that missing fields has been filled in with default values (needed for bulk inserts).

Source code in sc_crawler/
def validate_items(
    model: BaseModel,
    items: List[dict],
    vendor: Optional["Vendor"] = None,
    prefix: str = "",
) -> List[dict]:
    """Validates a list of items against a [pydantic.BaseModel][] definition.

        model: An SQLModel model to be used for validation.
        items: List of dictionaries to be checked against `model`.
        vendor: Optional Vendor instance used for logging and progress bar updates.
        prefix: Optional extra description for the model added in front of
            the model name in logs and progress bar updates.

        List of validated dicts in the same order. Note that missing fields
            has been filled in with default values (needed for bulk inserts).
    model_name = model.get_table_name()
    # use the Pydantic data model for validation instead of the table definition
    schema = model.__validator__
    if vendor:
            name=f"Validating {space_after(prefix)}{model_name}(s)", total=len(items)
    for i, item in enumerate(items):
        items[i] = schema.model_validate(item).model_dump()
        if vendor:
    if vendor:
            "%d %s%s(s) objects validated"
            % (len(items), space_after(prefix), model_name),
    return items

bulk_insert_items #

bulk_insert_items(model, items, vendor=None, session=None, progress=None, prefix='')

Bulk inserts items into a SQLModel table with ON CONFLICT update.


Name Type Description Default
model SQLModel

An SQLModel table definition with primary key(s).

items List[dict]

List of dicts with all columns of the model.

vendor Optional[Vendor]

Optional related Vendor instance used for logging and progress bar updates.

session Optional[Session]

Optional database connections. When not provided, defaults to the vendor's session.

progress Optional[Progress]

Optional progress bar to use instead of vendor's progress bar.

prefix str

Optional extra description for the model added in front of the model name in logs and progress bar updates.

Source code in sc_crawler/
def bulk_insert_items(
    model: SQLModel,
    items: List[dict],
    vendor: Optional["Vendor"] = None,
    session: Optional[Session] = None,
    progress: Optional[Progress] = None,
    prefix: str = "",
    """Bulk inserts items into a SQLModel table with `ON CONFLICT` update.

        model: An SQLModel table definition with primary key(s).
        items: List of dicts with all columns of the model.
        vendor: Optional related Vendor instance used for logging and progress bar updates.
        session: Optional database connections. When not provided, defaults to the `vendor`'s session.
        progress: Optional progress bar to use instead of `vendor`'s progress bar.
        prefix: Optional extra description for the model added in front of
            the model name in logs and progress bar updates.
    if session is None:
        if vendor is None:
            raise TypeError("At least one of `session` or `vendor` is required.")
        session = vendor.session
    model_name = model.get_table_name()
    columns = model.get_columns()
    if progress:
        pid = progress.add_task(
            f"Inserting {space_after(prefix)}{model_name}(s)", total=len(items)
    elif vendor:
        pid = vendor.progress_tracker.start_task(
            name=f"Inserting {space_after(prefix)}{model_name}(s)", total=len(items)
        progress = vendor.progress_tracker.tasks
    # need to split list into smaller chunks to avoid "too many SQL variables"
    for chunk in chunk_list(items, 100):
        if is_sqlite(session):
            query = insert_sqlite(model).values(chunk)
        elif is_postgresql(session):
            query = insert_postgresql(model).values(chunk)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Unsupported database engine dialect for bulk inserts."
        query = query.on_conflict_do_update(
            index_elements=[getattr(model, c) for c in columns["primary_keys"]],
            set_={c: query.excluded[c] for c in columns["attributes"]},
        if progress:
            progress.update(pid, advance=len(chunk))

    if vendor:
        vendor.log(f"{len(items)} {space_after(prefix)}{model_name}(s) synced.")

insert_items #

insert_items(model, items, vendor=None, session=None, progress=None, prefix='')

Insert items into the related database table using bulk or merge.

Bulk insert is only supported with SQLite, other databases fall back to the default session.merge (slower) approach.


Name Type Description Default
model SQLModel

An SQLModel table definition with primary key(s).

items List[dict]

List of dicts with all columns of the model.

vendor Optional[Vendor]

Optional related Vendor instance used for database connection, logging and progress bar updates.

session Optional[Session]

Optional database connections. When not provided, defaults to the vendor's session.

progress Optional[Progress]

Optional progress bar to use instead of vendor's progress bar.

prefix str

Optional extra description for the model added in front of the model name in logs and progress bar updates.

Source code in sc_crawler/
def insert_items(
    model: SQLModel,
    items: List[dict],
    vendor: Optional["Vendor"] = None,
    session: Optional[Session] = None,
    progress: Optional[Progress] = None,
    prefix: str = "",
    """Insert items into the related database table using bulk or merge.

    Bulk insert is only supported with SQLite, other databases fall back to
    the default session.merge (slower) approach.

        model: An SQLModel table definition with primary key(s).
        items: List of dicts with all columns of the model.
        vendor: Optional related Vendor instance used for database connection, logging and progress bar updates.
        session: Optional database connections. When not provided, defaults to the `vendor`'s session.
        progress: Optional progress bar to use instead of `vendor`'s progress bar.
        prefix: Optional extra description for the model added in front of
            the model name in logs and progress bar updates.
    if session is None:
        if vendor is None:
            raise TypeError("At least one of `session` or `vendor` is required.")
        session = vendor.session
    model_name = model.get_table_name()
    if can_bulk_insert(session):
        items = validate_items(model, items, vendor, prefix)
        bulk_insert_items(model, items, vendor, session, progress, prefix)
        if vendor:
                name=f"Syncing {space_after(prefix)}{model_name}(s)", total=len(items)
        if progress:
            pid = progress.add_task(
                f"Inserting {space_after(prefix)}{model_name}(s)", total=len(items)
        for item in items:
            # vendor's auto session.merge doesn't work due to SQLmodel bug:
            # -
            # -
            # so need to trigger the merge manually
            if vendor:
            if progress:
                progress.update(pid, advance=1)
        if vendor:
            vendor.log(f"{len(items)} {space_after(prefix)}{model_name}(s) synced.")