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sc_crawler.table_fields #

Enumerations, JSON nested data objects & other helper classes used in sc_crawler.tables.

HashableDict #

Bases: dict

A dict that can be hashed by its JSON representation.

Useful for typehinting dict-type table columns that are primary keys (which need to be hashable for SQLAlchemy ORM). See sc_crawler.table_fields.HashableJSON class for the related sa_type.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class HashableDict(dict):
    """A dict that can be hashed by its JSON representation.

    Useful for typehinting dict-type table columns that are primary
    keys (which need to be hashable for SQLAlchemy ORM). See
    [sc_crawler.table_fields.HashableJSON][] class for the related `sa_type`.

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(dumps(self, sort_keys=True))

HashableJSON #

Bases: TypeDecorator

Alternative JSON SQLAlchemy column representation, which can be hashed.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class HashableJSON(TypeDecorator):
    """Alternative JSON SQLAlchemy column representation, which can be hashed."""

    impl = JSON

    def process_result_value(self, value: str, dialect: Any) -> Any:
        if value is None:
            return None
        return HashableDict(value)

Json #

Bases: BaseModel

Custom base SQLModel class that supports dumping as JSON.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class Json(BaseModel):
    """Custom base SQLModel class that supports dumping as JSON."""

    def __json__(self):
        """Call `self.model_dump` to serialize into JSON."""
        return dict(sorted(self.model_dump().items()))

__json__ #


Call self.model_dump to serialize into JSON.

Source code in sc_crawler/
def __json__(self):
    """Call `self.model_dump` to serialize into JSON."""
    return dict(sorted(self.model_dump().items()))

Status #

Bases: str, Enum

Last known status of a resource, e.g. active or inactive.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class Status(str, Enum):
    """Last known status of a resource, e.g. active or inactive."""

    ACTIVE = "active"
    """Active and available resource."""
    INACTIVE = "inactive"
    """Inactive resource that is not available anymore."""

ACTIVE class-attribute instance-attribute #

ACTIVE = 'active'

Active and available resource.

INACTIVE class-attribute instance-attribute #

INACTIVE = 'inactive'

Inactive resource that is not available anymore.

Cpu #

Bases: Json

CPU details.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class Cpu(Json):
    """CPU details."""

    manufacturer: Optional[str] = None
    """The manufacturer of the processor, e.g. Intel or AMD."""
    family: Optional[str] = None
    """The product line/family of the processor, e.g. Xeon, Core i7, Ryzen 9."""
    model: Optional[str] = None
    """The model number of the processor, e.g. 9750H."""
    cores: Optional[int] = None
    """Number of CPU cores."""
    threads: Optional[int] = None
    """Number of CPU threads."""
    l1_cache_size: Optional[int] = None
    """L1 cache size in bytes."""
    l2_cache_size: Optional[int] = None
    """L2 cache size in bytes."""
    l3_cache_size: Optional[int] = None
    """L3 cache size in bytes."""
    microcode: Optional[str] = None
    """Microcode version."""
    capabilities: List[str] = []
    """List of CPU flag/features/capabilities, e.g. MMX, Intel SGX etc."""
    bugs: List[str] = []
    """List of known bugs, e.g. cpu_meltdown spectre_v1."""
    bogomips: Optional[float] = None
    """BogoMips value."""

manufacturer class-attribute instance-attribute #

manufacturer = None

The manufacturer of the processor, e.g. Intel or AMD.

family class-attribute instance-attribute #

family = None

The product line/family of the processor, e.g. Xeon, Core i7, Ryzen 9.

model class-attribute instance-attribute #

model = None

The model number of the processor, e.g. 9750H.

cores class-attribute instance-attribute #

cores = None

Number of CPU cores.

threads class-attribute instance-attribute #

threads = None

Number of CPU threads.

l1_cache_size class-attribute instance-attribute #

l1_cache_size = None

L1 cache size in bytes.

l2_cache_size class-attribute instance-attribute #

l2_cache_size = None

L2 cache size in bytes.

l3_cache_size class-attribute instance-attribute #

l3_cache_size = None

L3 cache size in bytes.

microcode class-attribute instance-attribute #

microcode = None

Microcode version.

capabilities class-attribute instance-attribute #

capabilities = []

List of CPU flag/features/capabilities, e.g. MMX, Intel SGX etc.

bugs class-attribute instance-attribute #

bugs = []

List of known bugs, e.g. cpu_meltdown spectre_v1.

bogomips class-attribute instance-attribute #

bogomips = None

BogoMips value.

Gpu #

Bases: Json

GPU accelerator details.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class Gpu(Json):
    """GPU accelerator details."""

    manufacturer: str
    """The manufacturer/brand of the GPU accelerator, e.g. Nvidia or AMD."""
    family: Optional[str] = None
    """The model family/architecture of the GPU accelerator."""
    model: Optional[str] = None
    """The model number of the GPU accelerator."""
    memory: int
    """Memory (MiB) allocated to the GPU accelerator."""
    firmware_version: Optional[str] = None
    """Firmware version."""
    bios_version: Optional[str] = None
    """Video BIOS version."""
    graphics_clock: Optional[int] = None
    """GPU core clock speed (Mhz)."""
    sm_clock: Optional[int] = None
    """Streaming Multiprocessor clock speed (Mhz)."""
    mem_clock: Optional[int] = None
    """Memory clock speed (Mhz)."""
    video_clock: Optional[int] = None
    """Video clock speed (Mhz)."""

manufacturer instance-attribute #


The manufacturer/brand of the GPU accelerator, e.g. Nvidia or AMD.

family class-attribute instance-attribute #

family = None

The model family/architecture of the GPU accelerator.

model class-attribute instance-attribute #

model = None

The model number of the GPU accelerator.

memory instance-attribute #


Memory (MiB) allocated to the GPU accelerator.

firmware_version class-attribute instance-attribute #

firmware_version = None

Firmware version.

bios_version class-attribute instance-attribute #

bios_version = None

Video BIOS version.

graphics_clock class-attribute instance-attribute #

graphics_clock = None

GPU core clock speed (Mhz).

sm_clock class-attribute instance-attribute #

sm_clock = None

Streaming Multiprocessor clock speed (Mhz).

mem_clock class-attribute instance-attribute #

mem_clock = None

Memory clock speed (Mhz).

video_clock class-attribute instance-attribute #

video_clock = None

Video clock speed (Mhz).

StorageType #

Bases: str, Enum

Type of a storage, e.g. HDD or SSD.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class StorageType(str, Enum):
    """Type of a storage, e.g. HDD or SSD."""

    HDD = "hdd"
    """Magnetic hard disk drive."""
    SSD = "ssd"
    """Solid-state drive."""
    NVME_SSD = "nvme ssd"
    """NVMe based solid-state drive."""
    NETWORK = "network"
    """Storage over network, e.g. using NFS."""

HDD class-attribute instance-attribute #

HDD = 'hdd'

Magnetic hard disk drive.

SSD class-attribute instance-attribute #

SSD = 'ssd'

Solid-state drive.

NVME_SSD class-attribute instance-attribute #

NVME_SSD = 'nvme ssd'

NVMe based solid-state drive.

NETWORK class-attribute instance-attribute #

NETWORK = 'network'

Storage over network, e.g. using NFS.

Disk #

Bases: Json

Disk definition based on size and storage type.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class Disk(Json):
    """Disk definition based on size and storage type."""

    size: int = 0
    """Storage size in GiB."""
    storage_type: StorageType
    """[Type][sc_crawler.table_fields.StorageType] of the storage."""

size class-attribute instance-attribute #

size = 0

Storage size in GiB.

storage_type instance-attribute #


Type of the storage.

TrafficDirection #

Bases: str, Enum

Direction of the network traffic.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class TrafficDirection(str, Enum):
    """Direction of the network traffic."""

    IN = "inbound"
    """Inbound traffic."""
    OUT = "outbound"
    """Outbound traffic."""

IN class-attribute instance-attribute #

IN = 'inbound'

Inbound traffic.

OUT class-attribute instance-attribute #

OUT = 'outbound'

Outbound traffic.

CpuAllocation #

Bases: str, Enum

CPU allocation methods at cloud vendors.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class CpuAllocation(str, Enum):
    """CPU allocation methods at cloud vendors."""

    SHARED = "Shared"
    """Shared CPU with other virtual server tenants."""
    BURSTABLE = "Burstable"
    """CPU that can temporarily burst above its baseline performance."""
    DEDICATED = "Dedicated"
    """Dedicated CPU with known performance."""

SHARED class-attribute instance-attribute #

SHARED = 'Shared'

Shared CPU with other virtual server tenants.

BURSTABLE class-attribute instance-attribute #

BURSTABLE = 'Burstable'

CPU that can temporarily burst above its baseline performance.

DEDICATED class-attribute instance-attribute #

DEDICATED = 'Dedicated'

Dedicated CPU with known performance.

CpuArchitecture #

Bases: str, Enum

CPU architectures.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class CpuArchitecture(str, Enum):
    """CPU architectures."""

    ARM64 = "arm64"
    """64-bit ARM architecture."""
    ARM64_MAC = "arm64_mac"
    """Apple 64-bit ARM architecture."""
    I386 = "i386"
    """32-bit x86 architecture."""
    X86_64 = "x86_64"
    """64-bit x86 architecture."""
    X86_64_MAC = "x86_64_mac"
    """Apple 64-bit x86 architecture."""

ARM64 class-attribute instance-attribute #

ARM64 = 'arm64'

64-bit ARM architecture.

ARM64_MAC class-attribute instance-attribute #

ARM64_MAC = 'arm64_mac'

Apple 64-bit ARM architecture.

I386 class-attribute instance-attribute #

I386 = 'i386'

32-bit x86 architecture.

X86_64 class-attribute instance-attribute #

X86_64 = 'x86_64'

64-bit x86 architecture.

X86_64_MAC class-attribute instance-attribute #

X86_64_MAC = 'x86_64_mac'

Apple 64-bit x86 architecture.

DdrGeneration #

Bases: str, Enum

Generation of the DDR SDRAM.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class DdrGeneration(str, Enum):
    """Generation of the DDR SDRAM."""

    DDR3 = "DDR3"
    """DDR3 SDRAM."""
    DDR4 = "DDR4"
    """DDR4 SDRAM."""
    DDR5 = "DDR5"
    """DDR5 SDRAM."""

DDR3 class-attribute instance-attribute #

DDR3 = 'DDR3'


DDR4 class-attribute instance-attribute #

DDR4 = 'DDR4'


DDR5 class-attribute instance-attribute #

DDR5 = 'DDR5'


Allocation #

Bases: str, Enum

Server allocation options.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class Allocation(str, Enum):
    """Server allocation options."""

    ONDEMAND = "ondemand"
    """On-demand server."""
    RESERVED = "reserved"
    """Reserved server."""
    SPOT = "spot"
    """Spot/preemptible server."""

ONDEMAND class-attribute instance-attribute #

ONDEMAND = 'ondemand'

On-demand server.

RESERVED class-attribute instance-attribute #

RESERVED = 'reserved'

Reserved server.

SPOT class-attribute instance-attribute #

SPOT = 'spot'

Spot/preemptible server.

PriceUnit #

Bases: str, Enum

Supported units for the price tables.

Source code in sc_crawler/
class PriceUnit(str, Enum):
    """Supported units for the price tables."""

    YEAR = "year"
    """Price per year."""
    MONTH = "month"
    """Price per month."""
    HOUR = "hour"
    """Price per hour."""
    GIB = "GiB"
    """Price per gibibyte (GiB)."""
    GB = "GB"
    """Price per gigabyte (GB)."""
    GB_MONTH = "GB/month"
    """Price per gigabyte (GB)/month."""

YEAR class-attribute instance-attribute #

YEAR = 'year'

Price per year.

MONTH class-attribute instance-attribute #

MONTH = 'month'

Price per month.

HOUR class-attribute instance-attribute #

HOUR = 'hour'

Price per hour.

GIB class-attribute instance-attribute #

GIB = 'GiB'

Price per gibibyte (GiB).

GB class-attribute instance-attribute #

GB = 'GB'

Price per gigabyte (GB).

GB_MONTH class-attribute instance-attribute #

GB_MONTH = 'GB/month'

Price per gigabyte (GB)/month.

PriceTier #

Bases: Json

Price tier definition.

As standard JSON does not support Inf, NaN etc values, those should be passed as string, e.g. for the upper bound.

See float_inf_to_str for converting an infinite numeric value into "Infinity".

Source code in sc_crawler/
class PriceTier(Json):
    """Price tier definition.

    As standard JSON does not support Inf, NaN etc values,
    those should be passed as string, e.g. for the upper bound.

    See [float_inf_to_str][sc_crawler.utils.float_inf_to_str] for
    converting an infinite numeric value into "Infinity"."""

    lower: Union[float, str]
    """Lower bound of pricing tier, e.g. 100 GB. Unit is defined in the parent object."""
    upper: Union[float, str]
    """Upper bound of pricing tier, e.g. 1 TB. Unit is defined in the parent object."""
    price: float
    """Price in the pricing tier. Currency is defined in the parent object."""

lower instance-attribute #


Lower bound of pricing tier, e.g. 100 GB. Unit is defined in the parent object.

upper instance-attribute #


Upper bound of pricing tier, e.g. 1 TB. Unit is defined in the parent object.

price instance-attribute #


Price in the pricing tier. Currency is defined in the parent object.